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(no version information, might be only in CVS)

db2_conn_errormsg --  Returns the last connection error message and SQLCODE value


string db2_conn_errormsg ( [resource connection] )

db2_conn_errormsg() returns an error message and SQLCODE value representing the reason the last database connection attempt failed. As db2_connect() returns FALSE in the event of a failed connection attempt, do not pass any parameters to db2_conn_errormsg() to retrieve the associated error message and SQLCODE value.

If, however, the connection was successful but becomes invalid over time, you can pass the connection parameter to retrieve the associated error message and SQLCODE value for a specific connection.

Список параметров


A connection resource associated with a connection that initially succeeded, but which over time became invalid.

Возвращаемые значения

Returns a string containing the error message and SQLCODE value resulting from a failed connection attempt. If there is no error associated with the last connection attempt, db2_conn_errormsg() returns an empty string.


Пример 1. Retrieving the error message returned by a failed connection attempt

The following example demonstrates how to return an error message and SQLCODE value after deliberately passing invalid parameters to db2_connect().

if (!
$conn) {

Результат выполнения данного примера:

Msg:[IBM][CLI Driver] SQL1013N  The database alias name

or database name "BADNAME" could not be found.  SQLSTATE=42705

 Err Code: -1013

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